
Create a Currency

Step 1: On the Currency screen, click on the Create a Currency button on the top-left.

Step 2: Fill in the information in the Create a currency screen refer to the following table for more details on the fields.

No Field Description
1 Title Currency name
2 Code Currency code
3 Type Currency Type:Crypto: BNB, ETH,…Fiat: USD, EUR,…
4 Min Crawl The minimum number of currencies to transfer to the admin wallet
5 Transfer Fee Transfer fee
6 Transfer Fee Type Transfer type:Percent: The transfer fee will be counted as a percentage.Fixed: The transfer fee will be calculated according to the fixed number of currencies.
7 Swap Enable Choose the currencies that this currency can swap
8 Swap Fee Swap fee
9 Swap Fee Type Swap type:Percent: The swap fee will be counted as a percentage.Fixed: The swap fee will be calculated according to the fixed number of currencies.
10 Min Swap The minimum amount of currency per swap
11 Max Swap The maximum amount of currency per swap
12 USD Rate Currency ratio to USD
13 Currencies
14 Currency Icon Icon/Logo of the currency
15 Status Status of the currency

Step 3: Click on the Save button.

Edit a Currency

Currency Information

Step 1: Click on the Edit icon next to the Currency to edit.

Step 2: Change the information as needed refer to the following table for more details on the fields

No Field Description
1 Title Currency name
2 Code Currency code
3 Type Currency Type:Crypto: BNB, ETH,…Fiat: USD, EUR,…
4 Min Crawl the minimum number of currencies to transfer to the admin wallet
5 Transfer Fee Transfer fee
6 Transfer Fee Type Transfer type:Percent: The transfer fee will be counted as a percentage.Fixed: The transfer fee will be calculated according to the fixed number of currencies.
7 Swap Enable Choose the currencies that this currency can swap
8 Swap Fee Swap fee
9 Swap Fee Type Swap type:Percent: The swap fee will be counted as a percentage.Fixed: The swap fee will be calculated according to the fixed number of currencies.
10 Min Swap The minimum amount of currency per swap
11 Max Swap The maximum amount of currency per swap
12 USD Rate Currency ratio to USD
13 Currencies
14 Currency Icon Icon/Logo of the currency
15 Status Status of the currency

Step 3: Click on the Save button.

Currency Attribute

Requirement: The user needs to Create a Blockchain support for this currency.

Create Attribute

Step 1: On the Currency Attribute tab, click on the Add More Currency Attribute on the bottom-left.

Step 2: Fill in the information in the Currency Attribute screen refer to the following table for more details on the fields.

No Field Description
1 Blockchain Blockchain name
2 Token address Token address
3 ABI The Application Binary Interface) of a smart contract
4 Native Token Blockchain’s inherent digital currency
5 Decimal a decimal numeral of the currency
6 Withdraw fee token Withdrawal fee
7 Withdraw fee token type Fixed or Percent
8 Value need approve withdraw value needs approval
9 Max times withdraw The maximum number of withdraws 
10 Max amount withdraw daily The maximum number of withdraws per day
11  Min withdraw Type: ONCHAIN
12 Type deposit Type: ONCHAIN
13 Type transfer Transfer or Withdraw or All
14 Status Status of the currency

Step 3: Click on the Confirm button.

Edit Attribute

Step 1: Click on the Edit icon on the top-right at the Currency Attribute tab to edit.

Step 2: Change the information as needed refer to the following table for more details on the fields

No Field Description
1 Blockchain Blockchain name
2 Token address Token address
3 ABI The Application Binary Interface) of a smart contract
4 Native Token Blockchain’s inherent digital currency
5 Decimal a decimal numeral of the currency
6 Withdraw fee token Withdrawal fee
7 Withdraw fee token type Fixed or Percent
8 Value need approve withdraw value needs approval
9 Max times withdraw The maximum number of withdraws 
10 Max amount withdraw daily The maximum number of withdraws per day
11  Min withdraw Type: ONCHAIN
12 Type deposit Type: ONCHAIN
13 Type transfer Transfer or Withdraw or All
14 Status Status of the currency

Step 3: Click on the Confirm button.

Delete Attribute

Step 1: Click on the Delete icon next to the Edit icon to delete the Currency Attribute.

Step 2: A delete confirmation pop-up will appear. Click on the Delete button

Delete a Currency

Step 1: Click on the Delete icon next to the Edit icon to delete the Currency Attribute.

Step 2: A delete confirmation pop-up will appear. Click on the Delete button.

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